4 Things I Want for My Birthday!


It’s My Birthday

Well almost... My birthday is on the 23rd and I'm super excited about it, despite living this lockdown life. I'll definitely be sharing a few 'words' on Instagram and on the website about 'life' in general.

Before when people asked what I wanted for my birthday, I'd say "nothing" or "I don't know" but then I learnt that I shouldn't be afraid to ask from God and people. So, if you feel led by God to gift me on my birthday here's what I'd like this year.

MY Birthday Wish List 2020


    For The Word of Mouth Co. to become a success and that the words shared on this website and through social media will help many.


    Tell your friends and family about The Word of Mouth Co. and encourage them to subscribe, engage and share what they enjoy.

    You can download the graphic below to share.

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    Masterclass is a platform of online classes conducted by famous people (experts in their field) on particular topics. I'm interested in the writing classes.

    FYI: Gift Price: $90 (USD) for a single class or $180 (USD) for all year access to all classes available. Masterclass currently has a buy one get one free offer - if you buy a pass, you get another pass for free to share with someone else.

    Link: Masterclass Gift Page

    Link: Masterclass Buy One Share One Page

Thank you in advance!

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